Collaborative Projects, Not Competition

Collaborative Projects, Not Competition

Collaborative Projects Not Competition

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To empower your success for your business, you must organize various projects. You can create strategic partnerships with others in your industry to do this.

In this article, we will explain why you should create collaboration opportunities, and how they can build win-win relationships.

Why Collaboration Instead of Competition

The Cooperation Level is Increased

When you collaborate, it makes it much easier for your colleagues to share their information and resources to solve an issue or problem. This also makes it much easier for information to get passed along between team members. When team members cooperate, they are going to look out for the well-being of all, not just their own self-interests.

The Team is Better Coordinated

All involved will have a pool of ideas, resources, and information that can be exchanged easily at any time. All team members will also be able to distinguish what tasks can be worked on individually instead of in sync with others.

The Collaboration Itself is Improved Overall

All aspects of the collaboration will be improved because of your shared vision of the project. When you work with each other toward a common goal, the benefits are better than the results of working against one another. It is a win-win relationship for all. In addition, your team will become more diverse, which can lead to better performance and improved success.

No Threat From Competition

All involved in the project can let their guards down when you collaborate. Your team members will not have to put up any kind of facade that they normally may have when they are around the competition. When you take away the competition element, everyone can work together instead of against each other. This also helps you and your colleagues develop a sense of optimism for the future.

A Safety-First Commitment

The safety we are referring to in this instance is psychological safety. That is, when your team feels safe enough to take calculated interpersonal risks, it leads to a more open environment and a better performance overall. This opens everyone up, and causes team members to challenge each other and fuel critical thinking.

Better Levels of Trust

As you begin to work with these new collaborators, you will eventually develop trust. As your success working together improves, so will your level of trust. When everyone on the team puts the collaboration ahead of the competition, the little, inevitable skirmishes tend to be rare.

Open to Fresh Ideas and Changes

There is a sense of freedom that comes along in a collaborative environment. That freedom also opens you up to new ideas. This helps you to see the greater purpose of the new changes brought on by your colleagues that you may not have considered otherwise. This is what they call the “aha” moment.


Promotora Systems Inc. can help you build relationships and show you how collaboration fuels growth in your business development. Contact us today to get started.

Top 5 Collaboration Tools for Your Business

Top 5 Collaboration Tools for Your Business

Top 5 Collaboration Tools for Your Business

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Collaboration tools make it easy for your team to work together on projects, whether team members are in the same office or even the same state. With remote work becoming more and more prevalent, your business needs to have collaboration tools to make your employees’ jobs easier. We have put together a list of the top 5 collaboration tools you need for your business.

For project management, you can’t go wrong with Trello. This collaboration tool allows you to create various boards for each of your projects and add the relevant team members who are working on the project. There are checklists to keep your team on track, and even due dates to ensure that tasks are being completed on time. Trello is easy to use and a sure way to keep your team members on the same page as they work on various tasks.

Another great tool is Airtable. This spreadsheet-based platform makes it easy to track projects, build databases, automate actions, and even manage customer relationship information. This platform is a little more complex, but after you take some time to learn how to integrate all of the various functions, you will have a powerful collaboration tool for your whole office to use.

To keep lines of communication open among your team, Slack is a great resource. You can use it on both your desktop and your phone to allow for collaboration no matter where you are. Slack also makes file transfers easy so that projects can be handed down from one team member to another without having to send email after email. Best of all, Slack integrates with other collaboration tools such as Trello.

One of the most well-known collaboration tools is Asana. This tool is similar to Trello in that it allows you to assign tasks and deadlines, but one of the most useful features is its built-in calendar that helps you to track your to-do list. With Asana, you can keep track of everything you and your employees need to accomplish.

One of the most widely used collaboration tools is Google Docs. This allows your employees to share documents and files across your network. It also ensures that only people with editing privileges are able to make changes. This tool allows multiple users to access files at the same time, leave comments, and save changes automatically.

This is just a small sampling of the collaboration tools that are available. Incorporating a few of these into your business is a sure way to keep your employees on track and help to boost productivity by making workflow easier when collaborating remotely. However, these tools aren’t just for remote work; they work just as well in an office setting, too. If you need help figuring out how to add collaboration tools to your business, contact us and we can help.

How to Find and Participate in Collaborative Projects

How to Find and Participate in Collaborative Projects

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You have begun your business and you are ready to begin projects to take it to the next level. It does not matter what industry you are in, at some point you are going to need like-minded people to help facilitate your company’s branding, marketing, or sales. If you are looking to create collaboration opportunities, we can help. Read on to learn how you can build that perfect team for project collaboration, and how to manage your team, too.

How To Find People for Project Collaboration

Below are some of the best ways to find project collaborators.


The social network LinkedIn is one of the best places to find project collaborators. If you are unsure how to collaborate on LinkedIn, it is actually not very complex. You begin with LinkedIn Networking to find the talent you are looking for. In addition to making connections, you can join relevant groups on the network within your industry to find people.


This platform is one where you can find influencers and partner up on your promotions, marketing, and sales. The platform also has filters to help you find posted collaborations and projects, and the ability to use a filter to specify exactly what you are looking for in a collaborator. You can also post your project details on the platform, where the potential collaborators can reach out to you.


This platform allows users to find and hire freelancers for any type of project. The categories to search for talent on Upwork include development and IT, administration and customer support, writing and translation, design and creative, and sales and marketing. You can also post your project on the platform to allow users to inquire about it and your potential collaboration.

After You Have Put Your Team Together

Improve Communication with All Players

The most important task with your new team is to make sure communication between everyone runs smoothly. The communication, or lack thereof, can make or break your project.

Transparency is Key

Transparency is another important factor for your project team. Besides any sensitive or confidential data, everything else should be fully available to your team. Your team needs a precise idea of what your objectives are so they can do the best job they can.

Have All Involved

For acceptable collaboration, get everyone on your team involved in the decision-making process of the project. When everyone gets involved, new ideas can be developed, and your team members can also learn from each other.

Encourage the Leaders

You should always encourage your team members to be assertive and take initiative whenever they can. This is nurturing what is called a culture of innovation, where the team member will take the initiative to do something different.

Optimize Your Meetings

If your usual project meetings are dull, it is time to change things up. Keep your meetings shorter and to the point without dragging them out. Send out any reports or documents beforehand so that your team members can view them prior to the meeting instead of reviewing them point-by-point during the meeting. This way, all members know the standing of the project and time will not get wasted on drawn-out sales updates.

Use Project Collaboration Tools

There are many project collaboration tools out there that can help you and your team work together efficiently. 

Trello is task management software that has built-in collaboration tools including boards, cards, and lists to create and track project tasks. 


Hubstaff is a great time and productivity tracker program. The software allows you to monitor project progress with screenshots, reports, timesheets, plus much more.


Promotora Systems Inc. can help you with building profitable relationships that can lead to successful collaborations. Our business consultants can set you on the path to empower your success and build win-win relationships. Contact us today to get started.

Top 10 Lead Generation Errors

Top 10 Lead Generation Errors

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If you have established your marketing strategy and the results are lackluster, you may have to do some tweaking to get better results. If your marketing campaign needs some work, we can help you identify these common lead generation errors and get you the results your business needs.

Top Lead Generation Errors

Not Making Your Ultimate Outcome A Priority

Think about the last interaction your potential customer had with you before they became a client. It does not matter if it is a phone call, email, or something else that made the client decide to buy. That is your ultimate outcome. You would need a channel that would be efficient at producing calls or follow-up emails. Search engine marketing can lead to other elements of conversion including ads for mobile devices and call buttons. When you align each detail of your marketing strategy to your ultimate outcome, you ensure more success for your business.

Paying Attention to the Wrong Metrics

Metrics define how to get to that ultimate outcome. However, the metrics are not your end result, the outcome is. The metrics themselves reveal the flaws in your campaign. If your impressions are low and you lack a significant number of clicks, then some adjustments will need to be made.

Too Many Complications in the Conversion Process

In the fast paced world wide web, people are so used to getting information fast and easy they will become inpatient if they have to wait for a page to load, etc. The user experience can make or break your website and your business. The conversion process needs to be as smooth as possible in order to get those new customers.

Expecting and Asking for Too Much Too Soon

Some prospects will need to ponder over your information before they are ready to convert. The worst thing you can do in this case is to pressure or rush people into conversion. Automation can be used to nurture these particular leads and slowly get them ready for conversion.

Using Only One Conversion Point

Different people react in different ways to almost everything. If you have only one option for prospects to convert, it may only be useful for some of the people. Take into consideration your prospects and the different reactions they may have to things. When you build your campaign, take into consideration several methods of showing interest and reaching out to a business.

Not Having an Intriguing Reason for Your Audience to Engage

If you don’t hook your prospects in immediately, they may lose interest fairly quickly and move on. Ask yourself what is it about your business that would have your prospects care? Do you have helpful, relevant content related to your industry on your site? Customers are looking for added value or a “takeaway” from your website. When you offer something of value to your customers, you are giving them a reason to click.


When your prospects look over your campaigns, consistency is important throughout all elements of your website. You need to have a consistent look throughout all your ads, landing pages, and more. If your prospect is confused about whether they are on the correct page due to lack of this consistency, you could lose them.

Failure to Test Different Channels

Do not put all your prospect hopes in only one channel. You can never assume that something is working based on history alone. If you test new platforms, this is the best way to discover what works for your campaign. Also, you may get some additional leads from these channels that you may not have received otherwise if you did not test alternative platforms.

Having It Only Be About You

If you make your campaign only about you and your business, your prospects won’t be inspired to take action. To be valuable to your network, you must focus on prospect issues, interests, or needs. This power of relationships can help you create strategic partnerships and build win-win relationships.

Not Providing Solutions To Problems and Issues

People can relate to others’ issues and want to take action. When you offer a solution to a prospect’s problem, you are showing them that you and your business have value. 


Promotora Systems Inc. can help your business with our lead generation strategies for startups. Our consultants can provide the best lead generation training to find new clients and build relationships. Contact us.

What You Need To Know Before You Generate B2B Sales Leads

What You Need To Know Before You Generate B2B Sales Leads

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You can develop relationships to grow your business when you generate business-to-business sales leads. When you generate your leads, you can identify relevant connections, build an affiliate network, and find new clients. This article will explain how to grow your business by developing relationships.

All You Need To Know About B2B Lead Generation

How Does Lead Generation Work Exactly?

Lead generation is identifying and sparking the interest of potential clients. When you identify potential customers, that means also finding businesses out there that have an interest in your product or service. This is your target audience. When you initiate interest, you can capture information about these contacts and feed them into your sales funnel. Then the lead can be converted into a customer with a sale.

Types of Leads

A “hot” lead or marketing qualified lead (MQL) is someone that has shown enough interest in your product or service to potentially earn you a sale. The exact definition of an MQL will vary from business to business depending on the circumstances. However, to qualify these leads specifically for your business, you need to identify proper sales leads.

To identify the best leads for your specific business, you need to know where to look. You can look at the demographics of your current customers and analyze their insights. Sales and marketing teams can target the best prospects based on commonalities. Other criteria you can use to find these leads include industry, revenue size, decision-maker, organizational structure, and many more.

Lead Nurturing

Once you procure these leads, you begin the process of nurturing them. In today’s market, the objective is on the buyer’s perspective, not the sales team. The first step in lead nurturing is buyer awareness. The next step is consideration, where your potential buyer is looking for a solution. The third step is decision-making after the buyer has considered all the information presented. The final step is after the sale. When you follow up with a customer to make sure that they are satisfied, they are most likely to do business with you again. In addition, you may also get some quality word-of-mouth referrals from a new happy customer.

Online and Offline Lead Generation

Online lead generation is simply generating interest from consumers on the internet. If you have a well optimized website with a consistent brand message. Your website should also be in sync with your brand identity and should be customer centric. Other forms of lead generation developed online include Search Engine Optimization (SEO), social media, video content, email marketing, and content marketing. 


Offline lead generation is every other method of drawing interest outside of the internet. There are several methods of offline lead generation including networking events, print advertising, direct mail, event sponsorship, and outbound calls. 


Remember, for both your online and offline lead generations, do not forget to track your results to see which methods are most effective in generating your leads.

Analyzing and Planning

To establish your marketing budget, you must analyze your lead data. Ask yourself what your exact goals for your business are. Is your priority at the time generating leads, increasing sales, or increasing brand awareness? According to a recent study, companies spend about 7 percent of their annual revenue on marketing, depending on the size of the business. When you analyze your customer data, you can use that information to plan your marketing campaign.

Best Lead Generation Tools

Lead generation can be a very complex process. There are several tools on the market that can help you grow your business.


Google Analytics is the place to begin to get insights from your website. 

Tools such as Mailchimp or Campaign Monitor can help you create a form for leads to add basic information about themselves to use for marketing purposes. 


Learn more about easy lead generation strategies that can help you take your business to the next level.

A Customer Relationship management database (CRM) is the best place to organize your data. There are many
CRMs out there to choose from with different functions. 


If you are unsure how to use LinkedIn to grow your business, LinkedIn Sales Navigator can help you target the right prospects, understand important insights, and provide many methods of personalized outreach and prospecting.


Promotora Systems Inc. has several coaching programs that can help you build your affiliate network and relationships with quality connections. Contact us today to get started.

How Do We Filter In The Most Suitable Leads

How Do We Filter In The Most Suitable Leads?

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Once you have acquired your new leads, you then need to separate the best leads from the ones with less potential. The way you can go about this is to funnel your leads through specific filters in order to find the leads that are the best bet in growing your business.

How to Filter Down the Most Suitable Leads

A funnel filter is also referred to as a sales funnel. This is a marketing system that guides your leads to transition them from prospect to customer. The funnel attracts the attention of these prospects, and it is designed to help you nurture these leads that have potential and rule out the leads that do not.

There are three main stages of using a funnel to filter in your best leads:


  • The top of the funnel is customer awareness
  • The middle of the funnel is consideration
  • The final stage is the bottom of the funnel, which is conversion. 

You can also add specific criteria based on your objectives and create even more filters to narrow down your best leads. 

You can sort out your leads by their
behaviors. This includes nearly anything about them including behaviors in business and their personal interests. The filter will allow you to channel the people whose behaviors are compatible with your business goals. 

Leads can also get sorted based on
challenges. If another person in your industry is facing any specific challenges, you can use that data to convert them from a potential lead to a new customer. 

As the name implies, you can filter your leads by finding those with
relevant roles in a company. It could be a sales or marketing manager, a vice president, or someone else. If you need to connect with the decision-makers, this is the best way to do it. 

You can sort leads by those that have
authority in your industry. This means connecting with those who have established a great reputation in your industry has the potential to increase the authority in your own business. These types of leads are the best way to build win-win relationships

You can also filter your leads by using
product fit as a criteria. Based on all the data you have gathered from your leads, you can determine which leads have the best potential to purchase your product or service. 

Promotora Systems Inc. can help you with all your business development needs, including assisting you to find new clients, identify relevant connections, and develop relationships to grow your business. Contact us today to get started.

Top 5 Lead Generation Tools You Need to Start Using Right Now

Top 5 Lead Generation Tools You Need to Start Using Right Now

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Lead generation is defined as the process of stimulating and capturing interest in a product or service for the purpose of developing a sales pipeline. Without the right tools in place, sorting through all of these leads can be overwhelming and time-consuming. We want to help you filter out warm leads as easily as possible. To help you do that, we’ve put together a list of the top 5 lead generation tools you need to start using right now.

Lead Generation Tool #1 - Boomerang for Gmail

This is a fairly inexpensive email follow-up tool, with paid plans starting at just $4.99 per month. Using Boomerang, which is a Gmail extension, you’ll be able to schedule follow-up emails for cold contacts to whom you’ve previously reached out. This program helps you to stay organized by allowing you to send emails back to your inbox if you don’t receive a reply within a set amount of time so you know you need to reach out to that person again. This is a great way to keep track of your outreach efforts.

Lead Generation Tool #2 - Mailchimp

Mailchimp is an email marketing tool that allows you to create email marketing campaigns and automated email drips. There are both free and paid plans that start at $9.99 per month. Mailchimp is one of the most popular email marketing platforms available today because it has an easy-to-use, drag-and-drop email builder that makes creating your marketing campaigns a breeze. There is also an automation feature that allows you to enter your contacts into a drip sequence and receive emails periodically, continuing to educate them on your products and hopefully convert them to customers.

Lead Generation Tool #3 - ClickFunnels

ClickFunnels allows you to build out a variety of sales funnels and create landing pages so you can add potential leads to your email lists. The plans vary in price, starting at $97 per month. It’s an all-in-one solution that allows you to capture leads directly from your website and is a great way to get new visitors to sign up for free downloads, ebooks, webinars, and more.

Lead Generation Tool #4 - Hubspot

Hubspot is an all-in-one marketing and CRM tool that allows you to do everything for your marketing campaigns without having to use several different platforms. Hubspot has tools for managing contacts, posting to your blogs, creating landing pages, finding leads, and so much more. The price of Hubspot varies based on the tools that you choose to use, with plans starting at $45 per month. This is a small price to pay when you consider all of the features that are packed into one platform.

Lead Generation Tool #5 - Zapier

This tool works to help automate your lead generation process. You can set Zapier up to automate actions based on specific triggers. There are hundreds of programs you can connect to your Zapier account to both trigger actions and receive actions. An example of this process would be receiving an email. This could then trigger the email to be added to a specified file, and then an alert could be sent out using a chat program. There are an infinite number of possibilities for the ways that Zapier can help you automate your lead generation process. 

These are just a few of the hundreds of different lead generation tools available. The most important thing when looking at adding lead generation tools to your marketing campaigns is to ensure that it meets all of your needs, fits within your marketing budget, and will make your job as a marketer easier. If you need help deciding which lead generation tools are best for your business, we can help. Set up a call with us today to get started.

How Sales Leads Are Generated from Search Engines

How Sales Leads Are Generated from Search Engines

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The era of using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for business growth is upon us. For newcomers, the idea of generating leads this way can be an intimidating task. So, we compiled these lead generation strategies and will explain how they can help your business with relationship-building.

How To Use Search Engines To Generate Leads

Optimize Your Homepage

The way to optimize your homepage is to add relevant keywords to your content. To get the most attention, it is better to use several keywords with a lower search volume in your content. By doing this, you are allowing your content to gain a higher reach than if you had only one high-volume keyword in your content. 


Use backlinks to uncover what your competitors are doing. A great way to boost your lead numbers is to use your competitor’s backlinks to create your prospect database. 


Long tail keywords are keyword phrases that are tailored to your brand. These keywords are usually no longer than three or four words and are very specific. For example, advertising agency Manhattan is a type of phrase someone would type in for a Google search. 


Make sure your website is responsive. Your business website needs to be appealing to the eye, easy to use and navigate, and is optimized for mobile usability.

Use Local SEO Strategies

If you run a local business, be sure to use local keyword data to optimize your content. Add where your business is located at every opportunity in your website content. This will help you claim listings where you market yourself with online directories. They drive traffic to your website and rank high in search engines. 


Create An Active Blog and Optimize The Posts


Your business blog is a combination of everything needed to acquire SEO targets. The steps to doing this are:


  • Publishing Content Regularly 

  • The Content is Easy to Read and Relevant To Your Business

  • Use Subheadings in Your Content For Easier Readability

  • Add Keywords and Relevant Links To Your Content

Allow Guest Posting

Allowing other writers or experts in your field to guest post on your website adds credibility to your business.

Use Alt Tags For Images

All images on your website and all content published should have alt tags. These tags allow Google to read the images because it cannot see them. When you add an alt tag, you increase the chances of your images appearing in Google images searches.

Improve Website Speed

If your website speed is too slow, new users will lose interest and go somewhere else. The faster the website speed will also result in your site ranking higher on Google searches. You will have to do some research on how to speed up your website based on the platform you are using.

Be Active on Social Media Platforms

An active social media presence is very important for snagging SEO leads. The more active you are, the more people see you and know your business. The major search engines will index your social media content if you are very active on social media. This is one of the best ways to increase your visibility.

Use Ads on Google

Google Ads is one of the best ways to gain SEO leads. It is the largest and most used online advertising network. 

PS Inc. can help you with all your business collaboration and customer relationship management needs. Contact us today to get started with all your business consulting needs.

Easy Ways To Improve Lead Generation

Easy Ways To Improve Lead Generation

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Lead generation is one element in a new business that helps it evolve over time. The more people know about you and your business, the better your business will do. How do you find those leads that you know are out there? You will need to implement a strategy to find these leads. These lead generation strategies can also improve your business networking and customer relationship management tasks as you go to the next level.

Easy Ways To Improve Lead Generation

Use Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Google and other search engines love new content. Your users and clients also like new content, so add a publish date to your posts to increase your conversion rate. This is because conversion rates are higher on new content compared to old content.

Rank SEO Content Higher

Your website content should rank on the first page of a Google search. Therefore, you need to make sure your content is optimized for SEO.

Choose The Correct Social Media Platforms

Do a bit of research about which social media platforms your customers and leads use most frequently. Find out about their wants and needs, and channel that into relevant posts on the relevant social media platforms.

Provide Useful Information

There is no room for fluff or filler content on your website. Give your website users something to take away from every visit. Make sure all your content is relevant, useful, and up-to-date.

Have A Consistent Message

Make sure that your narrative for your brand or business is consistent throughout all channels. Nothing breaks trust more than inconsistency.

Utilize Ad Swaps

Ad swappers can get your business on email lists in your industry. You send a link with your website information to their subscribers, and you only pay for each link clicked to your site.

Have A Clear Call To Action (CTA) on every page

Users love the ability to respond to websites. Make it as easy as possible for your visitors to add their email to your subscription list. Add some type of call to action on every page of your website, not just the landing page.

Contests, Promotions, and Giveaways

People love getting things for free. You can easily raise the profile of your business online and generate leads with a special giveaway or contest.

Conduct Free Webinars

A webinar is a great way to present your product or service to the masses. You can answer questions, build your brand awareness, and get more leads if you conduct webinars. 

PS Inc. has many business-consulting and network-management services that can help you create strategic partnerships to help facilitate business collaboration to take your business to the next level. Contact us today to get started.

Effective Connection Techniques Your Network Will Thank You For

Effective Connection Techniques Your Network Will Thank You For

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If you are not sure how to add value to your network, we have some useful tips for you. We can help you add value to connections with these relationship management and network management techniques.

Meet People Through Connections

One of the best ways to develop your personalized relationship strategy is to utilize the people already in your network. In this age, quality connections are made this way above all others. For example, at an event, stick close to your already-familiar connection. Introduce yourself to new people that orbit your connection and try to work yourself into conversations. 

Another way is to develop relationships to grow your business is to use LinkedIn.  This platform has an online introduction tool that does this networking technique in a similar fashion.

Leverage Social Media

Social media is still the best and most effective way to get to know your connections better. Do some research and try to find like-minded colleagues and other important contacts. 

You can generate leads on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Google, just to name a few. Keep active with your social media presence by liking and commenting on potential contacts’ posts to get their attention. Start conversations with a person about your mutual interest and offer something of value in return. In the future when you do meet this person face-to-face, your impression on them will have a greater impact.

Never Ask For A Job

Networking is never, ever asking anyone for a job. Networking is gathering information, seeking out new connections, and getting direction in your job search. The main networking objective is to build relationships and set up potential business collaborations.

Use Your Resume to Get Feedback

After you have established a rapport with the new people, you can ask for some sage advice. You can then ask this person to review your resume and get some constructive feedback on it. The benefits of this are numerous: In reviewing your resume, they will read about your work history and other details they may not already know about you. They may know somewhere at a company where you may be a perfect fit.

Be Sure All Conversations are Two-Way

A great way to create strategic partnerships is to use the rule of reciprocity. Make sure when networking that you take time to listen to the other person. If you ask for advice, make sure you listen to everything they have to say. If you are the only one speaking, the other person will most likely get the impression that you have absolutely no interest in them or what they do. This may also cause them to feel uncertainty about what action to take based on the information you are giving them. The rule of reciprocity is the most effective way to build win-win relationships for all.

Provide An Example of Your Success

Once you have found your mutual interest or topic with your new connection, present them with a success story. Tell how you have helped another person with a similar problem or situation. When networking, people look for examples of success in their field.

Tap Into and Expand Your Network

Networking is all about meeting people. You also network to tap into the additional people your network already has available. Your network can multiply fairly quickly this way. You can also gain information such as professional organizations with more possible connections.

Follow Up and Say Thank You

Fabricate reasons to keep your new relationship going, and don’t let the new connection be forgotten. Send this person relevant Linkedin articles, and connect with and interact with them on social media platforms. Try to find additional in-person networking opportunities often and share invitations with this person. 


Always remember to thank this person for spending their time speaking with you. Thank them for the useful information they provided you at the previous networking event. You can just drop a message on LinkedIn or another social media platform. Always try to find a personalized touch to add to your message. 

PS Inc. can assist you to build relationships, create collaboration opportunities, and be valuable to your network. We can help you grow your business by developing relationships. Contact us now to get started.