Collaborative Projects, Not Competition

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To empower your success for your business, you must organize various projects. You can create strategic partnerships with others in your industry to do this.
In this article, we will explain why you should create collaboration opportunities, and how they can build win-win relationships.
Why Collaboration Instead of Competition
The Cooperation Level is Increased
When you collaborate, it makes it much easier for your colleagues to share their information and resources to solve an issue or problem. This also makes it much easier for information to get passed along between team members. When team members cooperate, they are going to look out for the well-being of all, not just their own self-interests.
The Team is Better Coordinated
All involved will have a pool of ideas, resources, and information that can be exchanged easily at any time. All team members will also be able to distinguish what tasks can be worked on individually instead of in sync with others.
The Collaboration Itself is Improved Overall
All aspects of the collaboration will be improved because of your shared vision of the project. When you work with each other toward a common goal, the benefits are better than the results of working against one another. It is a win-win relationship for all. In addition, your team will become more diverse, which can lead to better performance and improved success.
No Threat From Competition
All involved in the project can let their guards down when you collaborate. Your team members will not have to put up any kind of facade that they normally may have when they are around the competition. When you take away the competition element, everyone can work together instead of against each other. This also helps you and your colleagues develop a sense of optimism for the future.
A Safety-First Commitment
The safety we are referring to in this instance is psychological safety. That is, when your team feels safe enough to take calculated interpersonal risks, it leads to a more open environment and a better performance overall. This opens everyone up, and causes team members to challenge each other and fuel critical thinking.
Better Levels of Trust
As you begin to work with these new collaborators, you will eventually develop trust. As your success working together improves, so will your level of trust. When everyone on the team puts the collaboration ahead of the competition, the little, inevitable skirmishes tend to be rare.
Open to Fresh Ideas and Changes
There is a sense of freedom that comes along in a collaborative environment. That freedom also opens you up to new ideas. This helps you to see the greater purpose of the new changes brought on by your colleagues that you may not have considered otherwise. This is what they call the “aha” moment.
Promotora Systems Inc. can help you build relationships and show you how collaboration fuels growth in your business development. Contact us today to get started.