The Enduring Benefits of Relationship Building Events

The Enduring Benefits of Relationship Building Events

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Networking today should really be called “relationship networking” because, after all, it is about building profitable relationships. However, there are quite a bit more benefits to networking than just profits. In fact, when you build relationships that are successful, you can improve your business overall in various ways. In this article, we will tell you about the enduring benefits of relationship-building events.

The Benefits of Relationship Building Events

Better Communication All-Around

Communication between all members of your team will empower your success in business. You can conduct team-building exercises that can help facilitate clear and concise communication between everyone. Schedule some time to have your team members in a relaxing environment that encourages discussion. This relationship workflow model should be a regular portion of your overall business management plan.

Productivity Rises Over Time

Better communication between you and your team members will create collaboration opportunities that will increase your productivity. In time, you will see how collaboration fuels growth where everyone works on the same end result. This effective communication prevents duplication of work tasks, and therefore you will have better output from each team member.

Your Team’s Morale Thrives

One of the best rewards of great team communication is the improved morale among everyone. When you have enthusiastic team members, it creates a wonderful work environment that your employees will look forward to coming to every day.

Everyone is Motivated

If you wonder why relationship development is important for your business, it is because it motivates your staff. People are motivated by good vibes and potential rewards for their hard work. When your team members are motivated to this extent, they believe in each other’s abilities. This is because you as the team leader have already opened up the lines of communication. 

Your Team Leaders Will Stand Out

When you conduct these team communication exercises, you develop relationships to grow your business. As these relationships grow, you will discover the members of your team who show many leadership qualities. These natural leaders will stand out as they are usually the people who speak up first and are the most eager to participate in exercises. These leaders take the initiative early on to solve whatever problem your business faces at that moment. These people generally have a positive attitude and can motivate other members of the team.

The Creativity Flow Increases with Your Team

When your team is working in a functional, positive, and motivated workplace, creative instincts begin to take over. Your creative team will be motivated to come up with fresh and innovative ideas. The possibilities are limitless when your creative people feel that any idea they may have will be heard due to the improved communication happening among your team.

Promotora Systems, Inc. can help the small business entrepreneur build win-win relationships  with our coaching programs. We can assist you in every stage of your business development. Contact us today to begin your business assessment.

The Best Ways to Find Local Business Events

The Best Ways to Find Local Business Events

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It does not matter if your business is local or global, everyone has a place they call home. It is always beneficial to network in your local community for many reasons. Becoming part of your community is a great relationship strategy.  You never know who you are going to meet while participating in local events. When you learn how to build profitable relationships at local business events, your business can grow significantly. Read on to discover the best ways to find local business events.

Steps to Host A Successful Business Event

Start A Community Group with A Non-Business Common Interest

Network by example with having a good work-life balance. It can be anything that you have a passion for. You can have a jogging group at the local park, a dinner club, social meetups, or anything else you can imagine. These casual gatherings can build relationships that can lead to great new colleagues.

Get Involved in A Local Cause

Do you have a cause that you care about? If so, why not consider volunteering at a local nonprofit organization? This is how to develop your business with networking on the local level. You can build win-win relationships with other like-minded individuals while you help other individuals in need.

Host Your Own Local Event

Of course, one of the best lead generation strategies to find new clients is to host your own local business event. Your event can be as simple as an open house into your business, a meet-and-greet luncheon, or any other event type that you wish. This is how to add value to your relationships because if you provide them with a meaningful and successful business event, your connections will continue to build relationships.

When hosting your local networking event, make sure that you identify relevant connections and add them to your invite list. Keep in mind that this is a business event after all and not a social gathering. So, choose your invitees carefully.

Join a Community-Based Facebook Group

In recent years, Facebook has brought many local communities together in many situations. The platform has local groups for nearly any interest. Find these groups on the platform that are business related and meet locally. They will post any upcoming events on their page. You can view the profiles of other attendees beforehand and see make your networking plan. Don’t forget to keep in contact after any meetups with your new connections through this same group to keep your dialogue going and cultivate the relationship.

Use Word-of-Mouth to Find Quality Connections

Recommendations from friends and members of your community do still work, especially on the local level. Ask these people about any professional events they may attend regularly. Although their events may be in a different industry than yours, this can still open up the potential to optimize your networking and expose you to a whole new group of individuals that you may not have ever met in another situation.

Promotora Systems, Inc. can assist you with all your network management needs. We are experts in relationship management for the small business entrepreneur.  Contact us today to grow your business by developing relationships at local business events.

The Best Metaverse Business Events to Look Forward to in 2023

The Best Metaverse Business Events to Look Forward to in 2023

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Today many business events happen in the metaverse, i.e. virtually. These events have become remarkable for showcasing the latest innovations in the tech world with hybrid events. The conferences are filled with the latest innovations in technology, keynote speakers, workshops, and unlimited networking opportunities to find new clients. Read on to learn all about the best metaverse events happening in 2023.

Steps to Host A Successful Business Event

CES January 5-8, 2023 in Las Vegas and online

CES is an event for global innovators. The conference is going to be held as a hybrid event happening online and in Las Vegas. There are many opportunities to meet new partners and have discussions with colleagues about immersive tech, A/R/VR, robotics, gaming, and artificial intelligence. The event is known for its technology innovations, product launches, and media reach. Some notable exhibitors at CES include Amazon, LG, Google, Microsoft, Sony, and many more.

Who should attend CES: developers, manufacturers, and suppliers that work in business consumer tech

Spie January 24-25, 2023 (estimated) in San Francisco (onsite only)

This on-site event in San Francisco focuses on the next generation in hardware and other technical topics such as 3D display techniques, human perception and UX in immersive displays, novel imaging systems, and display engines, plus much more.

Who should attend Spie: engineers, entrepreneurs, and researchers

SXSW March 10-19, 2023 in Austin, Texas, and online

South by Southwest is a conference that brings together the latest in interactive media, film, tech, VR, and robotics. Other topics covered at this event include voice technology, wearables, security and privacy, cryptocurrency, and XR.

Who should attend SXSW: gamers, content creators, and global professionals

IEEE VR +3D March 25-29, 2023 (estimated) virtual only

This event focuses on the creators and researchers of tech. The IEEE Conference on VR and 3D is the best international event to present research results on virtual, augmented, and mixed reality. Topics covered include animation in VR and AR, developing XR applications, the metaverse, and much more.

Who should attend IEEE VR+ 3D: Developers, educators, scientists, researchers, and anyone interested in XR tech

Nvidia GTC March 2023 TBD virtual only

This conference brings in many leaders from large tech companies such as Zoom and Microsoft to speak about AI, omniverse, high-performing computer graphics, and much more. A vast amount of learning sessions are available at the conference covering the following topics: robotics, game development, accelerated computing, speech AI/NLP, Cloud XR, cybersecurity, graphics, autonomous vehicles, and design collaboration.

Who should attend Nvidia GTC: researchers, developers, creators, and innovators

Laval Virtual April 12-14, 2023 Espace Mayenne, France, and online

This international event comes highly recommended by past attendees to attend on-site. This is due to the awesome events, networking opportunities, and workshops. If you cannot attend in person, you can attend via Laval Virtual World application. This conference allows you to meet the best innovators, VR/AR technicians, and international XR experts in the field.

Who should attend Laval Virtual: CEOs, managers, tech geeks and startups

MIT Reality Hack Boston TBD 2023 Boston and online

Keep your eye out for this amazing conference happening virtually and on-site in Boston next year. MIT Reality Hack is the largest hackathon in the world with more than 400 hackers attending. This event consists of many great tech workshops and talks, collaborations, plus much more. There is also a prize pool at the event with the winners receiving $12,000 based on their VR projects.

Who should attend MIT Reality Hack: technology lovers, creators, brand mentors, etc.

Global XR Conference 2023 December TBD

This online global conference is held exclusively on AltspaceVR. This is where attendees can connect and discuss the future of the metaverse. Other great things about this event include business sessions, and workshops related to AR/VR/MR/ER. Global XR Conference is free of charge. You just need to register so you can join the more than 2,000 attendees worldwide.

Who should attend: anyone interested in VR/AR technology

Meta Connect 2023 TBD on Facebook

This one-day online event will cover many topics in the VR world. Communities come together to learn about the latest XR innovations. The event hosts “Reality Labs” to see the future of AR and VR. Don’t miss the informative talks from Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta Platforms, and Nanci Li, the product lead AR/VR Reality Labs.

Who Should attend Meta Connect 2023: Gamers, engineers, researchers and developers

Now that we have given you a preview of these informative and exciting metaverse events coming in 2023, you can begin thinking about which to attend to learn from industry colleagues,  optimize your networking, and grow your business.

Promotora Systems, Inc. can empower your success with our many business development services. Contact us today to begin your journey into the future of metaverse events.

How To Host A Successful Business Event

How To Host A Successful Business Event

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One great way to get your business to the next level is to host an event. There are many moving parts in planning any event, and it can seem like a daunting task. Promotora Systems, Inc. can help you with all the steps involved in planning. Read on to learn the steps to host a successful business event.

Steps to Host A Successful Business Event

Begin ASAP

Face it, planning a successful business event will take a considerable amount of time. The larger the event, the more time you will need to plan it. A time span of at least 6 months is optimal for an event with at least 500 attendees. Smaller events can take as little as a couple of weeks, depending on the details.

Get together a short list of your goals for your event. For instance ask yourself: “Am I looking to find new clients and create strategic partnerships?” The answer to these questions will help create your attendees list.

Find Your Attendees

Once you have identified your event’s objectives, you can target these connections as invitees to your business event. You need to understand your target audience immensely so you can determine if their attendance is beneficial to the event. Do some research on your target audience such as their demographics, behaviors, and motivations they would have to attend your event.

Make Your Plan

Once you have established your attendee list and estimated your event budget, you can make your plan. At this stage, you could have a written event plan that can be an outline of your plan’s success. This written plan can help you manage all aspects of the event planning process including your event team, the venue, catering, and all other logistics.

Great Branding Will Go a Long Way

Leading with your brand is a great way to make your event stand out. Create a strong branding presence such as an overall theme for your event. Make sure this theme is unique to your brand and industry. Be sure to create a memorable logo to accompany your event name. Even a tagline for your event posted on social media platforms can go a long way in branding your event.

Set Up All Components of Your Event with Your Team

Now that your event team is established, it is time to implement all the elements of your event. These include:

  • Venue management
  • Booking speakers/talent
  • Catering
  • Safety/security
  • Marketing

Get Your Sponsors Set Up

Make a list of potential sponsors who you wish to support your event. It is a good idea to do some research to find the most appropriate sponsors for your event. Remember that sponsorships follow the rule of reciprocity because they also want to build win-win relationships. You will need to reach out to potential sponsors with customized proposals that detail the benefits their company will enjoy sponsoring your event.

Begin Promoting Early and Build Up Over Time

Along with planning your event, the promotion and event marketing must be done in stages. For instance, very early on, you can promote your event via a TBD or save-the-date announcement. An early ticket sales promotion can draw interest early on. Once you have booked your keynote speaker or talent, you can announce it on all your social media and networking platforms. Make sure your target audience is aware of when your event registration is starting and closing. The key is to build anticipation for your event in the months and weeks leading up to it. Be sure to pique their interest so they are sure to attend.

Promotora Systems, Inc. has many coaching programs that can help you with event planning and your next business event. We also have many lead generation consulting and business management services available. Contact us today to empower your success.

How to Find Business Events Online

How to Find Business Events Online

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Attending networking events can provide the exposure your business needs to take it to the next level. If you are looking to attend networking events to develop your business, you can easily find such events if you know where to look. Read on to learn about where to find the networking events that will help you find new clients.

Where To Find Business Networking Events on the Web

Online Business Networking Sites

There are a few great websites where you can find conferences and networking events. There are two that are considered to be the best. They are:

Eventbrite is an event-based website. On there, you can find listings for many networking events, both free of charge and paid. On Eventbrite, you will find conferences, discussions, workshops, and much more. The website has filters in which you can find events in any region in several categories including travel, health, tech, and more.

On Meetup, you can find free and low-cost in-person meetups anywhere. The website allows users to find meetups through very specific filters to find people in any industry. The website also has a filter for career and business events so you can find local career-focused groups to optimize your networking.

Social Media and Online Common Interest Groups

If you haven’t already joined industry-related groups on social media platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn, do it now. You can use these social media platforms to get information about upcoming business networking events. For instance, you can develop your business through LinkedIn by joining industry-related groups. Make sure you are active in the groups and check postings regularly. Your colleagues, through these groups,  may post about a business networking event coming up soon that you may want to attend.

If you do a Google search, you can easily find some common interest groups that you could join. Search for organizations and subscribe to their newsletters. These organizations usually hold networking events from time to time, as well as seminars and classes.

Contact Your Alumni Organization

Contact your university’s alumni association and sign up. These organizations host a wide array of events that are prime for networking. These events open up a whole new batch of connections and spread a wider net with your networking. Another plus: These organizations host reunions and holiday parties, so not only will you reconnect with former classmates and colleagues, you can make unlimited new connections.

Contact Local Organizations

Never underestimate the power of relationships through networking locally. A quick online search will connect you to your local Chamber of Commerce, and organizations such as Rotary, Kiwanis, and Lions Clubs in your area. These local organizations have many business and networking events year-round. Make sure you sign up for their periodic newsletters where they will surely post about upcoming events.

Talk to Your Colleagues

You can always speak to a co-worker briefly, even online through a messaging app such as Slack, and ask them if they have heard of any recent online sites for events. You can also ask about their connections on LinkedIn.

Another good source for networking events is your mentor at work, one that has many years of experience in your industry. This individual has surely attended many business events in their career.

Promotora Systems, Inc. can show you how to develop your business through networking at events both online and in-person. Contact us today to enroll in one of our coaching programs.

Follow Up and Follow through For More Impactful Networking

Follow Up and Follow through For More Impactful Networking

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After you attend a networking event, one of the most crucial steps for your network management success is follow-through. After all, why attend a networking event if you are not going to maintain contact with your new connections? Your network will grow when you follow up effectively and it will empower your success. In this article, we will tell you how to develop relationships to grow your business through the follow-up for your contacts.

7 Ways You Can Practice to Optimize your Networking Skills

Why Is It Important To Follow Up After Networking?

When you follow up after a networking event, it can substantially help you build relationships. In addition, the follow-up allows you to ask any questions you may have forgotten to ask in your previous meeting or arrange for a meet-up. The follow-up is the first step in building a strong foundation that can lead you to create strategic partnerships.

Make Your First Contact Within 24 Hours

The timing is of the utmost importance with your networking follow-up. It is best to follow up as soon as possible after your meeting. Your contact will notice how long after you meet it took them to receive a follow-up. This can influence their decision of whether or not to continue their relationship with you. Therefore, you should contact them within 24 hours after your initial meeting while your interaction is still fresh in their memory.

At this point, whatever way you choose to contact this person will be fine. You can choose what method you are comfortable with at this point in the relationship. You can contact your connection via social media, email, or even telephone. Just make sure it is in that critical 24-hour window.

Mention A Conversation You Had During the Event

Most networking events have many attendees, and (hopefully) several new connections are made. When you reach out to your contact to follow up, mention something you had discussed. You can state it as simply as “I enjoyed meeting you at the NAME Conference. I especially enjoyed our conversation about the quarterly growth projections for our industry.” When you jog the memory of your contact, it can ignite the connection you have and empower your success.

Use Linkedin to Develop Relationships

You can grow your business with LinkedIn by incorporating the social media platform into your follow-up. You should connect on LinkedIn to further solidify your relationship. After you connect on the platform, interact and comment on their posts, and join any industry-related groups where this connection may be a member. Then you can join them in any relevant discussions and posts.

Once you and the other person form a rapport, you can ask them to write you a recommendation so you can generate leads on LinkedIn. However, DO NOT ask for a recommendation in your initial follow-up. This is a request that is best made after you take some time to cultivate the relationship.

Remember the Rule of Reciprocity

Doing for others is one of the best ways to build win-win relationships in your network. When you make a new contact, it is best to offer to help before asking for a favor. If there is any way you can help this person, do it. It can be something as simple as forwarding them a relevant article or telling them about an opportunity that you had heard about. This is how to add value to your relationships, as you will gain a great reputation in your network. One day, you may need help from someone in your network, and they will be eager to return the favor.

Ask For A One-on-One Meeting

In your follow-up, you should suggest a meet-up with your new connection to cultivate the relationship. If your connection is local, you can meet up for coffee or a casual lunch. If distance is a factor, you can always schedule a Zoom chat or a phone call. When suggesting the meeting, mention the last conversation you had with your connection as an incentive to meet again. You can write something along the lines of, “I wanted to continue the conversation we had about X. Could we meet up at the coffee shop sometime next week to take the discussion further?”

Check Your Follow-Up Carefully

Remember how important this follow-up can be to optimize your networking and help you find new clients. Therefore, make sure you carefully edit and follow up on all correspondence before sending it. The follow-up is the perfect opportunity to put your best self front and center, so make sure your message is professional to make the best possible impression.

Promotora Systems, Inc. can help grow your business by developing relationships through effective network management. We can show you how to develop your business with networking. Contact us to get started on your business development.