The Best Platforms for Online Communities

The Best Platforms for Online Communities

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The correct online community for your business is paramount for your business development. Many of these platforms have multiple features including the ability to obtain feedback from users, peer support, user-generated content, and a knowledge base, plus the ability to optimize your networking and build relationships with your users. If you are unsure about which platform to use for your online community, we can help. Read on to discover the best platforms for online communities.

The Best Online Community Platforms

The Best Online Community Platforms

Slack is one of the most popular collaboration tools for business messaging. However, many use it as an online community for professionals. Slack has many great features including real-time communication, a member directory, video calling, file browser, and the ability to create channels for discussions and categorize channels into sections.

Facebook Groups is one of the best platforms to acquire new group members. On this platform, you can create specific dedicated groups for people with any common interest. Businesses can use these groups to discuss your products and services and boost brand awareness. Highlights include the ability to create learning modules to educate members about your product, member surveys, real-time chat, and reporting and analytics.

Tribe allows users to participate in the community both on the internet and on mobile browsers wonderfully. Tribe also allows you to fully customize your community to fit into your branding strategy. The key features of this platform include the ability to embed widgets to add social media components to the site, great search engine optimization (SEO) that optimizes your community to get indexed by search engines, and powerful notification tools that will keep your members engaged.

Mighty Networks is a user-friendly platform that encourages engagement from your online community. The platform allows you to create articles with a content management system (CMS) and enables you to embed images, videos, and sound files. It also gives you the ability to post questions and polls to members. Other important features include direct private messaging, personalized activity feeds, and a custom domain.

Thinkrific has a multitude of great features that make it one of the best platforms for building an online community. The platform allows users to share many varied types of content including videos, courses, articles, and much more. Other key features of Thinkrific include customizable website themes, a drag-and-drop website builder, e-commerce capabilities, and social media integrations that allow you to market and sell a wide range of products and services.

Discourse is one of the oldest and most popular online community platforms. The multitude of features on this platform include link unfurling, plug-ins, infinite scroll, powerful API, a dashboard, personal messaging, and the ability to translate content into 45 languages. The platform has three subscription plans that include standard, business, and enterprise, with costs starting at $100 a month.

Promotora Systems Inc. can help you choose the best platform for your online community to empower your success. Contact us so we can be your guide to building profitable relationships with online communities.

Run an Effective Community Meeting on Zoom with these Tips

Run an Effective Community Meeting on Zoom with these Tips

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Online meetings on Zoom took precedence during the lockdowns of the coronavirus pandemic. Many people that had rarely, if ever, used virtual meetings needed to adjust to this new way of meeting communication. On the other hand, leaders of these Zoom meetings had to make accommodations and adjustments for these novices. Zoom has many features and options that meet various business needs. If you are unsure how you can run the most-effective meeting on Zoom, we can help. Read on to learn great tips for productive Zoom meetings.

Tips for Effective Community Meetings on Zoom

Establish a Leader for Every Zoom Meeting

To keep your meeting organized, you must establish a host for your meeting. If there are many attendees, it may be a wise idea to have several co-hosts. These persons would be in charge of various meeting controls such as the ability to mute microphones of unruly attendees or even an eject button. The host(s) will also have an agenda for the meeting topics and can make sure the transitions between topics occur so all content is discussed in the allotted time.

Secure Your Zoom Meeting

You need to secure your Zoom meeting for hosts and attendees. If you enable the “join before host” option, this could lead to spam or other issues in the meeting links. Therefore to keep your Zoom meeting secure for all and turn off the “join before host” option. This way, only the account holder or someone with the account password will be able to begin the meeting.

Monitor and Control Audio

The audio element in a Zoom meeting is just as important as the video element. The most important feature you need to know about is the “mute all” button. This option only allows the hosts to be the only ones heard in the meeting. At the bottom of the participants’ dialog box is this “mute all” button. A good idea is to mute these mics as attendees first log onto the meeting, so you know their background noise cannot be heard. You can set up a Q&A session during or at the close of your meeting where participants can type in their questions, which is still much more organized than many people asking questions all at once on their respective microphones.

Control the Video

Spend some time thinking about your meeting space and how you can use it to make the best impression. Imagine what your attendees will see through the webcam behind you during your meeting. You should also preview beforehand how you will look during the meeting and adjust any harsh lighting from a window or a lamp in your meeting space.

If there are no reasonable ways to modify your meeting space, consider using a virtual background feature for your meeting. You can use basically any image you wish with this feature, so you may have some fun with it, too.

Control All Screen Sharing

The meeting host should control all screen sharing in the meeting. Occasionally, people have clicked the wrong button and have shared something accidentally that they did not intend for others to see. To prevent this, change the screen sharing setting to “host only”. This is helpful especially for the presenter, as it allows them to mute other participants.

Keep the Meeting A Little Social

Of course your Zoom meeting is about work, but don’t forget the social aspect of these meetings. As with face-to-face meetings, people still need to connect in some way. Take some time to have a little chat among the attendees to break the ice and introduce themselves. You can do this as others are joining the meeting. This helps increase long-term engagement among hosts and attendees. After introductions are made, the host can then begin the meeting in earnest and get into the business at hand.

Promotora Systems Inc. has many coaching programs that can help the small business entrepreneur with their business development. Contact us today to empower your success.

Why You Should Connect with Your Clients and How To Keep It Professional

Why You Should Connect with Your Clients and How To Keep It Professional

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In business, the best way to find new clients is through a great reputation in your industry through your peers. Alas, creating a relationship strategy is more challenging than it appears. After you identify relevant connections, you must then nurture them while maintaining professionalism. In this article, we will explain why you should connect with your clients and how to build win-win relationships while keeping everything professional.

How Financial Advisors Can Host A Client Appreciation Event

Why Is It Important to Connect With Clients?

As with any business, your clients are what can make or break you. When you establish a long-term relationship with your clients, it can be a remarkable lead generation strategy. When you have several satisfied customers, they will, in turn, help you find new clients with stellar recommendations for your product or service.

Tips For Developing Relationships with Your Clients

  • Check In Often
    Keep in constant contact with your clients. Make sure that your company is fulfilling their specific needs. Offer your support and/or assistance to them if they need it. If they have everything they need, continue to check in regularly.
  • Ask For Feedback
    Solicit feedback from your clients in each stage of your transaction process. Ask if they have suggestions to improve any aspect of your business including processes, procedures, and communication. Then you can incorporate their suggestions into your interactions in the future. This is a great way to develop relationships to grow your business.
  • Keep It a Two-Way Street
    One thing that will turn potential clients away is if you give them the impression that you are the only one to benefit from their business. This is where the rule of reciprocity comes in.
  • Respond In A Timely Manner
    No one wants to wait too long for a return call or answer to a specific question. If you procrastinate on returning the call, your client may decide to reach out to your competition for a solution.

Be Sure To Keep It Professional

While you need to connect with your clients, don’t forget that you are still doing business and you should make sure you do not get too personal. Below are some examples of how you can connect with your clients appropriately.

Don’t Volunteer Your Work Schedule

Your clients do not need to know about your schedule. You are not selling yourself to them if you relay to them your grueling work schedule. It is common knowledge that a small business entrepreneur must put in at least double the time and effort in their own business, as opposed to working for someone else. Plus, the last thing anyone wants to hear is complaints about doing business with you.

Don’t Make It Personal—Ever

When it comes to new clients, it is best to be friendly but not friends. This relationship strategy works best in business.

Keep Other Clients Confidential

Although you wish to build relationships with new clients, you cannot disclose any information about your present clients to do it. If you do this, you may lose this potential client if they fear that you may someday disclose their personal information to someone else.

Dress the Part of A Professional

The best way to empower your success is to dress and act like the professional that you are. Even if you are to meet with a client outside the office setting, your clothing still needs to make the best impression possible. A good rule is to make sure that your attire is not too tight or revealing, and leans more on the conservative side.

Promotora Systems Inc. has many coaching programs that can show small business entrepreneurs how to build profitable relationships with clients. Contact us today so we can help with all your business development needs.

Are You A Financial Advisor? Here is How To Define Your Target Audience

Are You A Financial Advisor? Here is How To Define Your Target Audience

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Just like any other small business entrepreneur, financial advisors need lead generation strategies to identify relevant connections and find new clients. If you are not sure how to define your target audience to increase your business development, we can help. Read on to learn how you can define your target audience.

How to Develop Your Business Through Networking

How To Define Your Target Audience

Your business is all about the power of relationships. When looking for your target audience, think about their similarities with you. Think about your industry and your personal life, and make a profile of yourself. Include your education, skills, marital status, income level, and other facts. Your target audience will consist of individuals with shared experiences and common bonds.

Once you have a specific target market established, you can begin having conversations that reflect your common grounds to develop this relationship strategy. When you get to know them a bit, you can narrow your prospects even more into specific niches.

Find The Niche For Financial Advisors

Another way to find new clients is to put them into specific niches so you can serve them better. Specific niches for financial clients include:

  • Traditional Investors
    This group consists of investors who are older and more traditional. They tend to shy away from technology and have a more traditional and personal approach to wealth management. To reach this group, you must promote yourself as an advisor who will work with them at their level of comfort.
  • Group Affinity
    This is what is known as a “natural market.” In other words, this group can be people in your social circle such as fellow church members, club members, or alumni from your university. These people already know you to an extent from the past or present, and you already share common experiences.
  • Literary Prospects
    You can find clients with shared interests that are novices with financial planning. This is also known as the “education niche” where you can take these new investors under your umbrella and be a mentor to instruct them on all the details of financial planning.
  • Family
    Many new parents would like to have a plan for their children’s financial future. Parents like to establish funds for their children for an education at university, a home and/or a trust fund for their future. New parents need guidance on these matters, and you need to position yourself to guide them in this specific financial planning. Market yourself to these potential clients as someone who has solutions for these needs.
  • Millennials
    This prospective group is in the beginnings of their careers and is tech-savvy. This is where your new prospects are looking for automation and engagement online. If you plan to prospect in this market, you must make sure your technology is on point, and that you know and understand all the appropriate industry terms and innovations.

Take the Marketing to the Next Level

Once you have established your target audience and their specific niches, you can then plan a campaign to market your financial planning business to them.

Promotora Systems Inc. can show financial advisors how to build profitable relationships and empower your success. Contact us today to build your relationships with your target audience.

The Best Way To Follow Up with Potential Clients

The Best Way To Follow Up with Potential Clients

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After your next networking event, there will be the inevitable follow-up contact. When you identify relevant connections and want to take the next step, what do you do?  If you are unsure about how to implement that all-important follow-up, we can help. Read on to learn the best ways to follow up with potential clients.

Guide to Building Profitable Relationships After A Networking Event

Best Relationship Management Tips

A small business entrepreneur can create strategic partnerships with these tips to increase business development. This personalized relationship strategy can empower your success and add value to your connections.

Don’t Push

Persistence is the key to successful networking follow-ups, but it is important to not be too pushy or aggressive with the communication. If someone feels pressured to do business with you, this will most likely work against you and turn them off. This can also make you come across to the client as being desperate. If your potential client feels desperation coming from you, they may begin to wonder the multitude of reasons why. All of this could lead to the client bowing out of your association altogether.

Have a Unique Follow-Up

When it comes to your follow-up, try not to make it so generic. The typical ‘nice to meet you, contact me with any questions’, etc. is worn out. In your follow-up, mention a topic you discussed with this person at the networking event. In this message, you can also mention any takeaways you had from your interaction with the person. For example, if this person gave you a valuable piece of industry information, mention that in your follow-up.

Remind The Contact Where and When You Met

In your follow-up email or message, don’t forget to mention initially where and when you met, plus key points discussed in your conversation. This will help your quality connections remember the details of your meeting. This is the genesis for you to create collaboration opportunities and build profitable relationships with this follow-up. You also make it easier for your connection to remember you and return your call when they do not have to go through their notes or their recollections.

Follow Up in an Extremely Timely Manner

Do not let this new connection go stale by waiting for them to follow up with you. You should follow up with your new contact while the memory is still fresh in their mind. A good rule for the follow-up is within one day after the meeting, but no longer than a week on the outset. You do not want your new connection to forget about you. If you wait too long to remind them, the person will note your tardiness.

Send Them a Relevant Article

One great way to build win-win relationships is to send your new contact an informative and industry-related article. This is a small gesture that can go a very long way. You can also send them a relevant article about something else this person may have mentioned in your meeting. For example, if your contact mentioned the desire to take a road trip with their family, you could send them articles about that topic. When you send this potential client something relevant, it will be valuable to your connection that you paid attention to your conversation to create this relationship.

Promotora Systems Inc. can assist your business with all its network management tasks. We can help you optimize your networking skills to help you build relationships and find new clients. Contact us today to get started growing your business.

Connect with Your Ideal Client through Happy Hours, Group Meetings & More

Connect with Your Ideal Client through Happy Hours, Group Meetings & More

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When you are looking to develop your business, marketing your business has many methods to reach more people. Many do not realize that these little events and enhancements can become great lead generation strategies to find new clients.  If you are unsure exactly how to grow your business by developing relationships, we can help. In this article, we will be your guide to building profitable relationships and tell you the ways you can connect with your ideal client.

Ways to Connect With Your Ideal Client

Host A Dinner Party

A great way to find and connect with others in your industry is by hosting a dinner party right after another event ends. If you do this, you will be able to engage with others that are interested in the same topics and share the same issues. You can use the people you met and connected with to filter down your guest list.

Attend Local Group Meetups

When you attend local events such as Chamber of Commerce meetings, it is another opportunity to meet other business owners. You never know who you may meet at these meetings and how they could potentially help your business. For instance, if you meet an attorney at a meeting that specializes in employment law, you can connect with them and exchange any relevant information that could be mutually beneficial. 

Host Your Own Meet and Greet

Another way to meet more potential clients is to host your own meet-and-greet event. You can also make this meetup special by setting it in a nontraditional setting. The possibilities are limitless on what you can do with your own meet-and-greet. For example, you can host a meeting at a sporting event, the gym, a casual stroll, or you can share a fabulous meal together. All of the above can enable the meeting to be more of a friendly, casual event.

Host a Local Happy Hour

You can blast invitations via the Internet and snail mail to your prospective clients that you are hosting a happy hour locally. At this meeting, you can have a brief presentation and allow the attendees the opportunity to ask questions. This is a great way to generate leads and build relationships with your potential clients.

Share A Passion

Do you and your new connection have some common ground? For instance, if both of you love fine art, perhaps you can attend a class together. Do you share a common love for a specific cuisine? You can arrange a meeting at a restaurant to share that wonderful meal while you talk business.

Send Out Personalized Cards Via Snail Mail

A great way to connect with your new connections is to send out personalized cards to commemorate something like their birthday, a promotion, or a new position. People will remember you for the effort you make with this personal touch. You can do these ultra-personal tasks in half the time from your laptop. SendOutCards makes it easy to create a template for a card, write a personalized message, and send it all out in one place.

There are numerous ways to find new clients through networking. These suggestions can set you apart from the typical stuffy, boring meetings. People will appreciate the effort that you put into your interactions with them. Over time, you will notice that there will be many more people wanting to meet with you to potentially create strategic partnerships and build win-win relationships.

Promotora Systems Inc. can show you how to make your business profitable through relationships. Contact us today to get started on your business development.

5 Ways Being Active Online Benefits Real Estate Agents

5 Ways Being Active Online Benefits Real Estate Agents

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Getting online today is the best way to benefit your real estate business. In this information age, it is much easier to find resources on any topic faster and easier than ever before. Many industries have had to evolve with this new way of doing business, and real estate is no exception. In this article, we will explain why Internet marketing is beneficial to your real estate business.

5 Ways Realtors Can Use Internet Marketing

The various methods that you can market your real estate business online include:

Exposure through Online Advertising

The Internet has taken over as the major venue for advertising a new business. An astonishing 80 percent of homebuyers visit the Internet first when beginning their search. Today, people can get a comprehensive understanding of a property they have an interest in before they see it in person. This saves time for buyers and agents alike. In the past, realtors and buyers had to relay this information in person or over the phone.

Lead Capture Forms

This Call to Action (CTA) is the most efficient way to find new clients. A lead capture form is a tool that is used to collect customer data. When you include this form on your website and social media, it makes it incredibly easy to generate leads.

Syndicate Listings on the Internet

The majority of realtors syndicate their listing on many major realty websites. These sites include Zillow and Trulia. These websites help buyers narrow down the number of homes they must visit in person.

Personal/Company Website

You will need to create a marketing strategy that can target your desired demographic. This is where a realtor can benefit greatly from having a personal website. Your website is a great place to supplement listings on real estate portals. Don’t forget to include CTA functions on the site to generate leads including sign-up forms, social media buttons, images, your biography, and even virtual home tours.

Engage on Social Media

Today, many real estate agents are getting social profiles. YouTube is one of the best platforms to reach potential customers through informative and entertaining videos. You can develop your business through LinkedIn to identify relevant connections, connect with them, and build relationships there. Additionally, many realtors are using Facebook and Twitter as part of their lead generation strategies to promote their businesses and reach out to potential clients.

Promotora Systems Inc. can show you how to develop your business online. Our coaching programs can be your guide to building profitable relationships. Contact us today to assist you with all your network management needs.

Networking For Real Estate Agents: 6 Tips to Make You Irresistible

Networking For Real Estate Agents: 6 Tips to Make You Irresistible

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The real estate market is highly competitive. It can be incredibly hard for any small business entrepreneur to make a mark in their industry, and real estate is no exception. If you are not sure how to develop your business with networking, we can help. Read on to discover useful networking tips that can strengthen the power of relationships and grow your business.

6 Network Management Tips for Real Estate Agents

Be Unbelievably Helpful

As with networking within any industry, people want to connect with others that will be valuable to your network. You can begin the foundation to build win-win relationships by getting a reputation as someone helpful. Before attending your next event, make a shortlist of people you would like to meet at this event. If you put it out there, you will expand your network over time. Eventually, the rule of reciprocity will come into play someday when you may need it.

Pick an Event from Eventbrite

When seeking networking events, eventually you are meeting the same people at specific networking events in your industry. While it is a good idea to nurture your current connections, you should also look outside your industry, as well. To find new clients in different places, try to pick networking events that differ from what you usually attend. Pick a random event from Eventbrite and attend a networking event that will be an entirely new experience. You never know who you may meet and how they may be able to assist your business sometime in the future.

Add People from Outside Your Regular Network

You can optimize your networking when you add a handful of new people at every event. The point of attending these events is to meet new people, so do not spend all your networking time with people you already know. Don’t forget that you grow your business by developing relationships with new people. Make a point to meet at least five new people at a networking event.

Find New Connections

There are many unconventional places where you can discover quality connections. Ask your friends what interesting connections they have and see if you can make a connection through their introduction. Does your friend know someone that works in your industry or a professional individual that can help your business in some way? For instance, your friend knows an accountant that is looking to find new clients. You can meet up at a local coffee shop or a happy hour and get acquainted. When you begin some of these new connections on a social level, it can help you to feel more comfortable.

You are most likely to get more interesting connections when you think outside the box. Does your local gym have a bulletin board where you could post a local networking event? What other local and national organizations are you affiliated with? For example, if you belong to the International Alumni Association, that can be a great outlet to find new clients. A large association like this can enable lead generation.

Change your Networking Strategy

Many new business owners do not see how networking can help with business development. You must add networking into your weekly schedule. Block one hour a week specifically for networking. Do not let your networking lapse; we are all extremely busy. After a while, these networking events can become a blur of new contacts. If you do not follow up with your connection while your event is still fresh in their memory, the connection can get stale.

Another way that you can alter your networking strategy is through social media platforms. Try a different social media strategy to gain new connections outside of your usual target. You can do this by following 10 new non-real estate people on Twitter and LinkedIn a week. Ignore the algorithm-based suggestions and choose people that are experts in other fields outside of your industry. If you just follow these people on social media, it will expand your perspective and lead you to new people you never would have thought of otherwise.

Be Unusual So You Are Remembered

Instead of following the herd and sending out the usual promotional material like Christmas cards, do something unconventional. Instead, send a card to commemorate another occasion such as a birthday. Find ways to meaningfully engage with your clientele to empower your success.

Don’t forget to be fearless. After all, you have nothing to lose, only much potential to build win-win relationships with as many people as you can. Do not let a fear of rejection prevent you from the opportunity to grow your business.

Promotora Systems Inc. has excellent coaching programs that can help you grow your business by developing relationships. Contact us today so we can show you how to make your business profitable through networking.

8 Tips For Working With Social Media Influencers

8 Tips For Working With Social Media Influencers

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Influencers on social media can empower your success with your business. If you find the right influencer for your brand, it can lead to creating a relationship strategy that can build win-win relationships for all involved. Read on to learn these helpful tips for working with influencers.

8 Tips For Working With Influencers

Define Your Campaign’s Goals

First and foremost, you need to define your campaign’s goals. Get together with your marketing team and your client to set goals and expectations for your mutual campaign. Set a clear direction and establish milestones where you can compare your progress.

Find the Best Influencer(s) for Leading Your Brand

After you have established your campaign goal, then you will need to find the best influencer(s) to drive your campaign. These influencers should be in your field and share the same target audience. Your audience and your marketing budget will determine what type of influencer is needed and what platform to use.

Establish Guidelines For Your Shared Content

The next step is to create detailed content guidelines for the influencers. These guidelines can include:
  • High-level brand strategy
  • Items that the influencer must post, including hashtags, promo codes, tagging requirements, and calls to action (CTA)
  • Communication guidelines
  • Guidelines for visuals
Then get together with your team and the influencer to establish the above guidelines and address any questions they may have.

Create a Content Calendar

A content calendar is a great way to make sure all are on the same page with the campaign. It is also an easy-to-follow format to help the influencer with their posts across many platforms. The calendar should take into consideration national holidays, trends in engagements, brand sales, and the momentum of your influencer’s social media posting.

Collaborate with Influencer on Social Media Content

The next step is to collaborate with your influencer(s) on your social media content. The content you post will be a combination of the influencer and your campaign goals. While this collaboration is the opportunity for you to emulate your influencer’s voice, you still need to curate your own original and intriguing content.

Measure Your Results and Tweek Your Campaign Accordingly

Now that your campaign has launched, you need to measure the results. Monitor your campaign metrics with weekly reports. You will discover many details about your campaign including the number of clicks, impressions, unique reach, revenue, and much more. Once you analyze this data, you will discover what is working and what isn’t. Then, you can tweak the campaign accordingly.

Practice Flexibility

Be prepared to adjust your campaign at any time. When collaborating with your influencer, be sure to take their experiences and opinions into the fold. This collaboration is the key to building win-win relationships for all involved.

Make It Fun

You may have a better chance of generating more leads if your target audience gets the impression you are enjoying running this campaign. Take this time to engage with your audience on social media and keep it light. See this as the opportunity that it is, and lead with your brand to promote interest.

Promotora Systems Inc. can show you how to develop your business through networking.  Contact us today to optimize your networking skills and create strategic partnerships with social media influencers.

Networking for Entrepreneurs and Business Coaches: Top Tips to Capitalize on Social Media

Networking for Entrepreneurs and Business Coaches: Top Tips to Capitalize on Social Media

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Social media network management can drive a business coach or small business entrepreneur to the top level of success. This type of relationship management can be a bit complex. We can show you how to develop your business by networking on social media.

Top Networking Tips for Entrepreneurs and Business Coaches

Share Relevant Content to Add Value to Your Network

Are you unsure how adding value improves relationships on social media? When you share relevant content with your audience, you are actually being of value to your network. When you share this informative content, you are seen as an expert in your industry by your colleagues.

Tell A Compelling Story

People like to do business with people they know. On social media, it can be quite challenging to get that connection that you would normally get in face-to-face interaction. Write a compelling story about you and/or the genesis of your business to introduce yourself to your target audience. The story should evoke an emotional response from your audience. This is providing a story that a human being is leading your brand, making it memorable and making you more relatable to the audience.

Inspire Your Target Audience

You can inspire your potential clients as you share your business progress with them through social media. When these people read your backstory and see how far you have come, it should motivate them to hire you as an expert to assist them in their business journey.

Share Testimonials

One of the best ways to draw in more clients is testimonials. When a prospective client is looking to make their final decision, they may seek out testimonials from past clients to enable them to make the decision. Showcase your best work on social media by providing testimonials from past clients.

Monitor Social Media Engagement

When you post content on social media, you will start noticing trends in post-performance. You should use Google Analytics or another monitoring platform to monitor the data. When you track your social media posts, you will see insights on how all content performs. You can then tweak your content to improve your performance.

Include Calls To Action

A call to action (CTA) is a task a user must complete to go to the next step. Make sure that your CTA is concise, as your audience must need a reason to click on it. Give them a compelling reason why they should take this action immediately. If you have clarity on what your audience will take away from the CTA, it will make it easier for them to move into the sales funnel.

Promotora Systems Inc. can assist small business entrepreneurs and business coaches with all their social media networking and relationship management needs. Contact us today to empower your success.