The Strategic Alliance for Veteran Integration is a non-profit organization that helps Veterans to get the support, care, and benefits they need after transitioning out of the military.
This organization requires a broad range of volunteers to help with projects. The skills needed range from marketing to content writing and much more. PS, Inc. helps SAVI make valuable connections with people with these skills.
Without the help of these talented volunteers, SAVI wouldn’t be able to do the important work they do in the Veteran community. Being connected to these volunteers has saved the organization over $500,000 in project costs.
Inner Works Pro offers branding, design, marketing, social media management, and other services for brands looking to grow their online presence. The Value Added Connector Framework enabled Inner Works Pro to build relationships and grow towards success in a powerful way.
From illustration to content writing, each Inner Works Pro project requires different skill sets, styles, and levels of experience. The framework helped Inner Works Pro to identify skilled individuals to meet the demands of each unique client project.
In addition, the VAC process helped Inner Works Pro to create strategic partnerships on behalf of the clients it represents to elevate their brand presence and awareness.

Algo Holdings, LLC is a financial trade management company that offers its users an expert-designed algorithm that will automatically trade the market on their behalf.
The VAC process helped Algo Holdings to create a suite of strategic relationship categories for relevant partners, investors, educators, and advisors. The framework focused on creating powerful connections that would best serve the needs of the client.
Additionally, PS, Inc. helped Algo Holdings create B2B collaborations to create new algorithms and improve the diversity and risk tolerance in each trading model. The results included $123,000 in invested capital within four months.
PS, Inc. worked with AP Home Realty to cultivate community groups that wanted to learn about first-time home purchases, developing markets, and good neighbors to invest in for families.
The Value Added Connector Framework helped to increase the pool of leads, public relation opportunities, and philanthropic efforts through real estate. PS, Inc.’s work with AP Home Realty, LLC resulted in the generation of 10 new strategic partners with a real estate revenue potential of $10.2M.

Traveler’s Q is a full-service travel management company, offering expert support for B2B social events, product launches, corporate functions, and much more.
PS, Inc. worked with Traveler’s Q to establish international connections with suppliers, clients, concierges, and influencers to increase the outbound market of American travelers to key destinations.
The largest strategic partnership that PS, Inc. helped Traveler’s Q achieve was the World Fair. This large-scale event includes a $7.2B investment, 192 countries, and an estimated 25 million visitors over six months.