How Business Coaches Can Establish Stronger Connections With Face-To-Face Networking

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Business coaches should attend in-person networking events. However, during the pastt few years, networking has mostly occurred online and on social platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook. With that said, traditional face-to-face networking is still the best tool to establish true connections with your network. If you are still wondering how networking can help with business development, we can help you fine-tune your networking skills by building profitable relationships to empower your success.
How To Create Strategic Partnerships through In-Person Networking
Get out there and volunteer with a cause that you care about. Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and expand your network. You can find many quality connections this way, ranging from the people running the nonprofit to the other volunteers.
Identify Your Networking Goals
Do some thinking and decide your objective for face-to-face networking. For instance, are you looking to reach out to others in your industry for advice? Or are you looking for a collaborator, or to find new clients? Make sure you know your end goal before attending any specific event.
Be Authentic to Build Relationships
When attending networking events, it is best to just be yourself with no pretenses. To establish strong, long-term connections with other professionals in your industry, honesty is best.
Follow Up Right Away
A good rule for networking follow-ups is to do it within the first 48 hours after your event. You should act while the memory is still fresh on everyone’s minds. The following day, send a quick email to these new people after you have connected on social media. The email should just say how nice it was to meet them. Then, take the opportunity to send a question or start a conversation as an ice breaker.
Make Notes on Business Cards
When you attend these networking events, you collect business cards of the people you meet. On the card itself, jot down some information about this person, how you met, and what you may have spoken about. This will help you with the follow-up email in a better way to add value to connections.
Remember the Rule of Reciprocity
Giving something back is crucial in networking. Think about how to add value to your relationships by offering up something to the other person. For instance, if your new connection is starting up a new business and you know of someone else in their industry that could assist them or offer relevant advice, pass along their contact information.
Pass Out Business Cards At Every Networking Event
Attend every networking event with plenty of business cards. Make sure all your contact information is up-to-date.
Find New Clients and Quality Connections with A Concise Pitch
Put together a few sentences about yourself and your business into your pitch. Keep your pitch short to keep their interest. Don’t forget to tell them what you hope to achieve by connecting with them.
Diversify Your Network
Most of your networking will happen with people in your specific industry but there are many benefits to connecting to people in other fields. You cast a wider net into the business world, and you never know whether you may need another professional’s services to help your company.
Establish a Goal for Each Networking Event
It is a good idea to set small, attainable goals for your networking event. For example, you can set your goal at meeting five new people that work in your industry at your event.
Customize Your Conversations For Networking
One tactic for successful business development through networking is to listen to your conversation partner. Ask open-ended questions to get the information you need to keep the dialogue flowing. The key to building profitable relationships is to tailor each conversation you have during events.
Get To Events Early
It is best to get to an event early to maximize your time at the event. You should try to meet as many people as you can at these events. If you arrive late, you will have a harder time finding conversation partners as little groups have already formed at the event.
Host Your Own Networking Event
After you have had some networking experience, you can even host your own event. It does not have to be anything elaborate. It can just be a meeting with some people at a restaurant or a local pub. You can ask your invitees to bring a few people along, too. The idea is to get to know more and more people.
Promotora Systems Inc. can assist you in building your personalized relationship strategy to build stronger connections and optimize your networking. Contact us today so we can show you how to make your business profitable through networking.