5 Ways To Add Value in Your Networking

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One way to grow your business through networking is by adding value to your relationships.
If you are unsure how adding value improves your business, we can help. In this article, we will tell you about the ways you can be a value-added connector while networking.
8 Underused Networking Strategies that Can Empower Your Success
5 Ways to Be Valuable to Your Network
One of the best ways to add value to your network is to offer help to your peers. Remember the rule of reciprocity, where networking is working together to help each other with any issues that may come up within your business or the industry as a whole. In the future, one of your connections will remember you as someone who is helpful in your network and return the favor if you ever need it.
Share your Connections
Another way to add value to your networking is to introduce people to one another. Find some people in your network who are in the same industry and share common interests and business goals. If you do this over time, you will be known as a person who is a “hub” for your network—a crucial link that brings people together.
Tell Your Peers About Opportunities in Your Industry
Be sure to let your networking peers know about any opportunities in your industry. For instance, if you have a new project coming up, think about who in your network may be a great fit. Also, if you hear about a relevant job opening, disclose that, as well. This is one of the best ways to build relationships in your network, as it demonstrates selflessness.
Make Your Peers Aware of Any Useful Resources
When you discover a remarkable industry resource—whether it’s an article, software, or a relevant conference, tell your peers about it. There are most likely several people in your network that could benefit from this professional tool. When you attend your next networking event, challenge yourself to share this helpful resource with at least one person. Your network will see you as someone who wishes to improve the quality of their business and their lives.
Share Your Knowledge and Experience
While networking, be sure to share your valuable industry knowledge. One of the reasons we network besides making new connections is to learn from our industry peers. People like to hear from others about any struggles that may have had and how they resolved them. You can share stories with your colleagues and provide them with useful insight if they find themselves in a similar situation.
Be An Influencer Among Your Peers
Another way to add value to your network is by being an influencer among your peers. You can work on being a source of inspiration for those in your network to do the best they possibly can. You can be an inspiration and show your network how to build profitable relationships. If you develop this “circle of influence,” it can lead to shared learning experiences and create strategic partnerships.
When you follow these steps to add value to your network, it will significantly improve your business development.
Promotora Systems, Inc. can show you how to add value to your network. Contact us today to begin building profitable relationships with our relationship management services.