10 Reasons Why People Resist Networking

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Networking has to be one of the most important elements of growing a business. Although this fact is universally known, there are still many people out there that resist networking. Why would someone avoid doing something that will improve the vitality of their business? If we can recognize the reasons why some resist networking, perhaps these same people can be convinced to give networking a try.
Reasons People Resist Networking
Many people are not comfortable in large groups or speaking to strangers. If this is an issue for you, try to build your courage to speak to people.
Don’t allow shyness to prevent you from networking. You can begin a conversation with someone new just with basic chat about current news or a common subject. After the ice is broken and you feel that you have a rapport with someone, then you can begin to lay the networking groundwork.
Fear of Rejection
Rejection is not an easy thing to hear and take. Some may be so frazzled by a fear of rejection that it prevents them from growing their business. You cannot allow the fear of rejection to prevent you from reaching out to others. Just remember the old saying, ‘If you don’t ask, the answer will always be no’.
Uncomfortable Talking About Yourself
Rejection is not an easy thing to hear and take. Some may be so frazzled by a fear of rejection that it prevents them from growing their business. You cannot allow the fear of rejection to prevent you from reaching out to others. Just remember the old saying, ‘If you don’t ask, the answer will always be no’.
Time Restraints
Networking is an ongoing activity that is very time consuming. Some are just too busy with their work that they are unable to find time to attend networking events.
Lack of Networking Knowledge
There are a few out there that do not understand the whole networking process. To network effectively, you need to exchange information, build relationships on trust and reciprocity, leverage your existing relationships to create new ones, and invent ways to keep in touch.
Don’t Want Others Knowing Your Business
Are you looking for work but too ashamed to admit it? Networking is not exactly asking for a job, it is more of a way to find out what is out there and meet other people in your industry. If you are on the job hunt and you do not network, you may be searching for that job for quite a long time.
Impatient for Results
You will not see immediate results with networking. Networking, just like anything else worthwhile, takes quite a bit of time and patience. You need to understand that it may take you quite a bit of time until you find a person involved in making a hiring decision.
In order for your networking to be successful, you need to first take the time to build the relationship.
Don’t Want to Sell/Be Sold To
Many people still confuse networking with selling. After all, in a way you are selling yourself to new contacts via networking.
Networking is not a ‘cold call’ sales pitch. It is a conversation that involves listening on both ends. Both parties can get to know each other, and get comfortable in the relationship.
Unaware of Effectiveness of Networking
Searching for work the traditional way through recruiters and job boards can be a daunting task. You are searching and applying for work through the mass market, and thousands are your competition for work.
Networking is like an underground job market. Employment is not filled through job boards, but word of mouth through connections. You have a better chance of obtaining employment though this smaller channel than if you had canvassed and applied to the same job boards the masses apply to.
Failure to Network Consistently
Networking is a task that needs constant cultivation. To keep your relationships strong, you must pay attention to those in your network. You need to take care of your network. Ultimately, in time your network will take care of you too.
Networking is one of the most important tasks that a new business owner can do to help grow their business. We realize that some people need guidance in building their networking skills. PS Inc. can help you get started on improving your networking skills.